Wednesday, January 27, 2010

It's an Islate, It's an iReader: No, It's iPad with an e-Reader Built

So, it's finally here. And it starts at only $499. Pretty clever of Apple to let the prediction add up to $1000. So now this looks ve-e-ery good. I'm not one of those has-to-have-every-new-tech-toy types. I didn't get an iPod until everyone had one. I really have no desire for an iPhone. Why do I need a cell phone that acts like a laptop when I barely use the cell phone I have––honestly. I don't give out the number because I don't want people calling me at the supermarket or in the fitting room at Boscov's. But I've been seriously thinking about this e-reader thing since I gave up my print newspaper subscriptions.

While it isn't all that big a deal taking my laptop down to the kitchen every morning so I can read the paper over breakfast, it isn't the most convenient thing in the world. I saw a friend's Kindle, and it was ok. Only I couldn't see the point in spending that much money for something that only does one job, even if it is easier to read in bed than my Mac. This baby does it all. Not just is it a reader, but it looks like the perfect mini-laptop for travel.

I can't afford it quite yet, and I never buy anything as soon as it comes out. Let them get the kinks out. I do want to run over to the Apple Store soon and play with it though. Bet there'll be a long line.

1 comment:

Rebecca Nazar said...

Best thing since sliced bread ; ) Its name--eh.


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